Latest sketches

Equirectangular 360 Video Viewer. Click on the video to play/pause.
Video 360
Equirectangular 360 Video Viewer. Click on the video to play/pause.
360 equirectangular viewer video
A real-time path tracer, with motion blur, depth of field, adaptative denoise, and several materials.
Path Tracer
A real-time path tracer, with motion blur, depth of field, adaptative denoise, and several materials.
pathtracing denoise raymarching sdf
Fluid simulator. You can play with your mouse to add color.
Fluid simulator. You can play with your mouse to add color.
fluid fields mouse
Diffuse Limited Aggregation, to create an Ice structure. You can play with your mouse to melt the ice.
Diffuse Limited Aggregation, to create an Ice structure. You can play with your mouse to melt the ice.
dla particles fields mouse
A slime mold building a transport network. You can play with your mouse to erase the chemical field.
A slime mold building a transport network. You can play with your mouse to erase the chemical field.
physarum particles fields mouse network
Android birds trying to sync their movement and blinking. You can play with your mouse to attract them.
Android birds trying to sync their movement and blinking. You can play with your mouse to attract them.
boids particles mouse
Move your mouse to explore the generation of different patterns.
Reaction Diffusion
Move your mouse to explore the generation of different patterns.
cellular automata reaction diffusion mouse
Conway's Game of Life
Game of Life
Conway's Game of Life
cellular automata life mouse
A simple colorized IFS fractal
Color IFS
A simple colorized IFS fractal
fractal ifs mouse