Android birds trying to sync their movement and blinking. You can play with your mouse to attract them.
boids particles mouse
// This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0 

struct Sys {
    time: f32,
    resolution: vec2<f32>,
    mouse: vec4<f32>,
    aspect: vec2<f32>

struct Particle {
  pos : vec2<f32>,
  vel : vec2<f32>,
  pha : f32

struct SimParams {
  boids : u32,
  deltaT : f32,
  scale: f32,
  forces : vec4<f32>,
  distances : vec4<f32>

@group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> params : SimParams;
@group(0) @binding(4) var<uniform> sys : Sys;
@group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read> particlesA : array<Particle>;
@group(0) @binding(2) var<storage, read_write> particlesB : array<Particle>;

struct VertexOutput {
  @builtin(position) position : vec4<f32>,
  @location(0) uv : vec2<f32>,
  @location(1) state : vec2<f32>

struct VertexInput {
  @location(0) partPos : vec2<f32>,
  @location(1) partVel : vec2<f32>,
  @location(2) partPha : vec2<f32>,
  @location(3) apos : vec2<f32>

fn vertMain( input: VertexInput) -> VertexOutput {

  let angle = -atan2(input.partVel.x, input.partVel.y);
  let pos = vec2(
    (input.apos.x * cos(angle)) - (input.apos.y * sin(angle)),
    (input.apos.x * sin(angle)) + (input.apos.y * cos(angle))
  ) * params.scale; // scale
  var output : VertexOutput;
  output.position = vec4((pos/sys.aspect) + input.partPos, 0.0, 1.0);
  output.uv = input.apos;
  output.state = input.partPha;
  return output;

fn color( phase: f32) -> f32 {
  return cos(phase) * .5 + .5;

fn fragMain(input : VertexOutput) -> @location(0) vec4<f32> {
  let d = (1. - smoothstep(0.,.01, length( vec2(abs(input.uv.x) + .6,input.uv.y)) - .9 )  ) ;
  let phase = ((input.state.x * 3.14) + sys.time) * 10.;
  return vec4(vec3(1. - d) * vec3(color(phase+3.14) , color(phase + 1.52), color(phase )),1.0);

@compute @workgroup_size(64)
fn computeMain(@builtin(global_invocation_id) GlobalInvocationID : vec3<u32>) {
  var index = GlobalInvocationID.x;
    // keep the simulation in the range [0,size]
  if (index >= u32(params.boids)) { return; }

  var vPos = particlesA[index].pos;
  var vVel = particlesA[index].vel;
  var vPha = particlesA[index].pha;
  var cSep = vec2(0.0);
  var cVel = vec2(0.0);
  var cPos = vec2(0.0);
  var cPha = 0.0;
  var cSepCount = 0u;
  var cVelCount = 0u;
  var cPosCount = 0u;
  var cPhaCount = 0u;
  var pos : vec2<f32>;
  var vel : vec2<f32>;
  var pha : f32;

  let pd = params.distances * params.scale;
  for (var i = 0u; i < arrayLength(&particlesA); i++) {
    if (i == index) { continue; }

    pos = particlesA[i].pos.xy;
    vel = particlesA[i].vel.xy;
    pha = particlesA[i].pha;

    let d = distance(pos, vPos);
    // rule separtation - for every nearby boid, add a repulsion force
    if ((d < pd.x) ){
      var diff = normalize(vPos - pos);
      diff /= d; // weight by distance
      cSep += diff;

    // rule cohesion - for every nearby boid, calculate its average position
    if ((d < pd.y) ) {
      cPos += pos;

    // rule alignment - for every nearby boid, calculate its average velocity
    if ((d < pd.z) ) {
      cVel += vel;

    // rule phase sync - for every nearby boid, calculate its average phase
    if ((d < pd.w) ) {
      cPha += pha;

  // steering = desired - velocity * max_force
  // separation
  if (cSepCount > 0u) {
    cSep = (normalize( cSep / vec2(f32(cSepCount)) ) - vVel ) * params.forces.x;
  // cohesion
  if (cPosCount > 0u) {
    cPos = (cPos / f32(cPosCount));
    cPos = (normalize(cPos - vPos) - vVel) * params.forces.y;
  // alignment
  if (cVelCount > 0u) {
    cVel = ((cVel / f32(cVelCount)) - vVel) * params.forces.z;
  // average phase 
  if (cPhaCount > 0u) {
    cPha = (cPha / f32(cPhaCount) - vPha) * 0.005; // phase sync

  // mouse attraction
  let cMouse = (normalize( ((2. * vec2(sys.mouse.x, 1. - sys.mouse.y)) - 1.) - vPos) - vVel) * params.forces.w;

  // add all contributions
  vVel += cSep + cVel + cPos + cMouse;

  // normalize velocity
  vVel = normalize(vVel) ;
  // scale simulation speed
  vPos = vPos + (vVel * params.deltaT);
  // if the phase is to small, ignore the sync, to create a level of uncertainty
  vPha = vPha + select( cPha, 0., abs(cPha) < 0.0003);
  // Wrap around boundary
  if (vPos.x < -1.0) { vPos.x += 2.0; }
  if (vPos.x > 1.0) { vPos.x -= 2.0; }
  if (vPos.y < -1.0) { vPos.y += 2.0; }
  if (vPos.y > 1.0) { vPos.y -= 2.0; }

  // Write next state
  particlesB[index].pos = vPos;
  particlesB[index].vel = vVel;
  particlesB[index].pha = vPha;
import { PSpec, Definitions, triangle } from "../../lib/poiesis/index.ts";

export const boids = (code:string, defs:Definitions) => {

    const spec = ():PSpec => {
        const numBoids = 2000;
        const boids = Array.from({ length: numBoids }, () => ({
            pos: [2 * Math.random() - 1, 2 * Math.random() - 1],
            vel: [2 * Math.random() - 1, 2 * Math.random() - 1],
            pha: 2 * Math.PI * Math.random()

        return {
            code: code,
            defs: defs,
            geometry: {
                vertex: {
                    data: triangle(1.),
                    attributes: ["apos"]    
                instance: {
                    attributes: ["partPos","partVel","partPha"],
                    instances: numBoids
            uniforms: () => ({
                params: {
                    boids: numBoids,
                    deltaT: .01,
                    scale: .015,
                    forces: [.04, .025, .025, .02], // last one is mouse force
                    // separation, cohesion, alignment
                    distances: [2., 4., 6., 1.] // boid size is 1.
            storages: [
                { name: "particlesA", size: numBoids , data: boids, vertex: true} ,
                { name: "particlesB", size: numBoids , vertex: true} 
            computes: [
                { name: "computeMain", workgroups:  [Math.ceil(numBoids / 64), 1, 1] },
            bindings: [ [0,4,1,2], [0,4,2,1] ]

    return spec;
0 fps