Fast Voronoi
voronoi jfa particles
A real-time voronoi construction using the jump flood algorithm.
// This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0
struct Sys {
frame: u32,
time: f32,
resolution: vec2<f32>,
mouse: vec4<f32>,
buttons: vec3<f32>,
aspect: vec2<f32>
struct SimParams {
size: vec2<f32>,
seeds: f32,
steps: u32
struct Seed {
pos : vec2<f32>,
vel : vec2<f32>,
kind: f32
struct Cell {
coord: vec2<u32>,
distance: f32,
kind: f32,
step: u32
struct VertexInput {
@location(0) pos: vec2<f32>,
@builtin(instance_index) instance: u32
struct VertexOutput {
@builtin(position) pos: vec4f,
@location(0) distance: f32,
@location(1) kind: f32
@group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> sys : Sys;
@group(0) @binding(1) var<uniform> params : SimParams;
@group(0) @binding(2) var<storage, read> cellCurrent : array<Cell>;
@group(0) @binding(3) var<storage, read_write> cellNext : array<Cell>;
@group(0) @binding(4) var<storage, read_write> seeds : array<Seed>;
fn vertMain( input: VertexInput) -> VertexOutput {
let i = f32(input.instance);
let cell = vec2f(i % params.size.x, floor(i / params.size.x) );
let distance = cellCurrent[input.instance].distance;
let kind = cellCurrent[input.instance].kind;
let cellSize = 2. / params.size.xy ;
// The cell(0,0) is a the top left corner of the screen.
// The cell(params.size.x,params.size.y) is a the bottom right corner of the screen.
let cellOffset = vec2(cell.x, params.size.y - 1. - cell.y) * cellSize + (cellSize * .5) ;
// input.pos is in the range [-1,1]...[1,1] and it's the same coord system as the uv of the screen
let cellPos = (input.pos / params.size.xy) + cellOffset - 1.;
var output: VertexOutput;
output.pos = vec4f(cellPos, 0., 1.);
output.distance = distance;
output.kind = kind;
return output;
fn fragMain(input : VertexOutput) -> @location(0) vec4<f32> {
let d = exp( 10. * -(input.distance/ (max(params.size.x,params.size.y)) ) );
let k = input.distance/(input.kind+1);
let w = .5 + .5 * cos(k);
return vec4( tosRGB( hsv2rgb(vec3f( k/(input.distance+1), .8, d * w)) ), 1.0) ;
@compute @workgroup_size(8, 8)
fn initCells(@builtin(global_invocation_id) cell : vec3<u32>) {
// keep the simulation in the range [0,size]
if (cell.x >= u32(params.size.x) || cell.y >= u32(params.size.y)) { return; }
cellNext[ cell.y * u32(params.size.x) + cell.x ] = Cell(vec2(10000), 1000., 0., params.steps);
@compute @workgroup_size(64)
fn computeSeeds(@builtin(global_invocation_id) id : vec3<u32>) {
let i = id.x;
if (i >= u32(params.seeds)) { return; }
let seed = seeds[i];
var pos = seed.pos + seed.vel *.01;
//wrap around boundary condition [-1,1]
pos = fract( (pos + 1.) * .5) * 2. - 1.;
seeds[i].pos = pos;
let current = vec2<u32>( floor( (pos + 1.) * .5 * params.size ) );
cellNext[current.y * u32(params.size.x) + current.x ] = Cell(current, 0., seed.kind, params.steps);
// fill the cells with the closest seed neighbour in a log2 step size of the screen
// this compute function is called n instances (log 2 step) each frame to fill the entire screen
@compute @workgroup_size(8, 8)
fn jumpFlood(@builtin(global_invocation_id) cell : vec3<u32>) {
// keep the simulation in the range [0,size]
if (cell.x >= u32(params.size.x) || cell.y >= u32(params.size.y)) { return; }
let size = vec2<i32>(params.size);
let index = cell.y * u32(size.x) + cell.x;
let current = cellCurrent[ index ];
var bestSeed = current;
for(var x = -1; x <= 1; x++) {
for(var y = -1; y <= 1; y++) {
// wrap arround coordinates.
let offset = (vec2i(cell.xy) + (vec2(x,y) * i32(current.step)) + (2*size)) % (size);
let cellNeighbour = cellCurrent[ offset.y * size.x + offset.x ];
// if we find a neighbour with a closer seed we switch the current cell for the new seed
let dist = distance(vec2f(cell.xy),vec2f(cellNeighbour.coord));
if (dist < bestSeed.distance) {
bestSeed = cellNeighbour;
bestSeed.distance = dist;
cellNext[ index ] = bestSeed;
cellNext[ index ].step = max(1, current.step >> 1);
// converts from HSV to RGB
fn hsv2rgb(c :vec3f) -> vec3f {
let k = vec4f(1.0, 2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 3.0);
let p = abs(fract( + * 6.0 - k.www);
return c.z * mix(, clamp(p -, vec3(0.0), vec3(1.0)), c.y);
// Converts a color from linear light gamma to sRGB gamma
fn tosRGB(linearRGB: vec3f) -> vec3f {
let cutoff = vec3<bool>(linearRGB.x < 0.0031308, linearRGB.y < 0.0031308, linearRGB.z < 0.0031308);
let higher = vec3(1.055) * pow(linearRGB.rgb, vec3(1.0/2.4)) - vec3(0.055);
let lower = linearRGB.rgb * vec3(12.92);
return vec3<f32>(mix(higher, lower, vec3<f32>(cutoff)));
import { PSpec, Definitions, square, scaleAspect } from "../../lib/poiesis/index.ts";
export const fastvoronoi = (code:string, defs:Definitions) => {
const spec = (w:number,h:number):PSpec => {
const numSeeds = 17;
const size = scaleAspect(w,h,512);
const aspect = { x: size.x / Math.min(size.x, size.y), y: size.y / Math.min(size.x, size.y) }
const seeds = Array.from({ length: numSeeds }, () => {
const angle = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2;
const radius = { x: Math.random() * (.5/aspect.x) , y: Math.random() * (.5/aspect.y) };
return {
pos: [Math.cos(angle) * radius.x, Math.sin(angle) * radius.y],
vel: [Math.random() - .5, Math.random() - .5],
kind: Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)
const steps = Math.ceil(Math.log2(Math.max(size.x,size.y))) ;
const stepSize = Math.pow(2.,steps);
const instances = ((steps) + (steps %2)) + 3
return {
code: code,
defs: defs,
geometry: {
vertex: {
data: square(1.),
attributes: ["pos"],
instances: size.x * size.y
uniforms: () => ({
params: {
size: [size.x, size.y],
seeds: numSeeds,
steps: stepSize
storages: [
{ name: "seeds", size: numSeeds , data: seeds } ,
{ name: "cellCurrent", size: size.x * size.y },
{ name: "cellNext", size: size.x * size.y }
computes: [
{ name: "jumpFlood", workgroups: [Math.ceil(size.x / 8), Math.ceil(size.y / 8), 1], instances: instances },
{ name: "initCells", workgroups: [Math.ceil(size.x / 8), Math.ceil(size.y / 8), 1] },
{ name: "computeSeeds", workgroups: [Math.ceil(numSeeds / 64), 1, 1] },
bindings: [ [0,1,2,3,4], [0,1,3,2,4] ]
return spec