Path Tracer
pathtracing denoise raymarching sdf
A real-time path tracer, with motion blur, depth of field, adaptative denoise, and several materials.
// This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0
@group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> sys: Sys;
@group(0) @binding(1) var samp: sampler;
@group(0) @binding(2) var image: texture_2d<f32>;
@group(0) @binding(3) var buffer: texture_storage_2d<rgba8unorm, write>;
@group(0) @binding(5) var<uniform> params: Params;
@group(0) @binding(6) var<storage, read_write> samples: array<Sample>;
const PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795;
const EPSILON = 0.001;
const MAXDIST = 1000.;
// types
struct Sys {
time: f32,
frame: u32,
mouse: vec4<f32>,
resolution: vec2<f32>,
aspect: vec2<f32>
struct Ray {
origin: vec3<f32>,
direction: vec3<f32>,
struct Hit {
position: vec3<f32>,
distance: f32,
normal: vec3<f32>,
material: Material,
sign: f32
struct Material {
color: vec3<f32>,
emissive: bool,
metalness: bool,
dielectric: bool,
diffuse: bool,
roughness: f32,
highlight: bool,
intensity: f32,
scattered: Ray
struct Sample {
color: vec3<f32>,
normal: vec3<f32>,
struct Light {
point: vec3<f32>,
intensity: f32
struct Params {
samples: u32,
depth: u32,
fov: f32,
aperture: f32,
lookFrom: vec3<f32>,
lookAt: vec3<f32>,
struct VertexOutput {
@builtin(position) pos : vec4<f32>,
@location(0) fragUV : vec2<f32>,
fn vertexMain(@location(0) pos: vec2<f32>) -> VertexOutput {
var output: VertexOutput;
output.pos = vec4<f32>(pos, 0.0, 1.0);
output.fragUV = (vec2<f32>(pos.x,- pos.y) + 1.) * .5;
return output;
fn fragmentMain(input: VertexOutput) -> @location(0) vec4f {
return vec4<f32>(linearToSRGB(toneMap(textureSample(image, samp, input.fragUV).rgb)),1.);
@compute @workgroup_size(8, 8)
fn pathTracer(@builtin(global_invocation_id) cell : vec3<u32>) {
let dims = vec2<f32>(textureDimensions(image, 0));
let c = textureLoad(image, vec2<u32>(sys.mouse.xy * dims), 0);
let uv = ((vec2<f32>(cell.xy) / dims ) * 2. - 1.) * sys.aspect ;
// global initial seed
gseed = vec3u(cell.xy, sys.frame);
// set the camera
let ray = setCamera( uv , params.lookFrom, params.lookAt, vec2f(params.fov) );
var color = vec3<f32>(0.);
var normal = vec3<f32>(0.);
let nSamples = params.samples;
let pixelSize = vec3((2. / dims) * sys.aspect,0.);
// we shoot a ray for each sample and get the normal for the denoisng step
for (var s=0u; s < nSamples; s++) {
let delta = (random() - .5) * pixelSize; // in case of more than 1 sample we jitter the pixel for AA
let sample = raySample( Ray(ray.origin + delta ,ray.direction), params.depth);
color += sample.color;
if (s == 0) { normal = sample.normal; };
samples[cell.x + cell.y * u32(dims.x)] = Sample(color/f32(nSamples), normal);
const ATrousKernel = array<f32, 25>(
1./256., 4./256., 6./256., 4./256., 1./256.,
4./256., 16./256., 24./256., 16./256., 4./256.,
6./256., 24./256., 36./256., 24./256., 6./256.,
4./256., 16./256., 24./256., 16./256., 4./256.,
1./256., 4./256., 6./256., 4./256., 1./256.
// denoising uses a bilateral filter ATrous to smooth the image weigthed by the normal and color
// we use frame differences for temporal reprojection to mix the current and last frame
// references
@compute @workgroup_size(8, 8)
fn denoise(@builtin(global_invocation_id) cell : vec3<u32>) {
let dims = vec2<u32>(textureDimensions(image, 0));
let kernel = ATrousKernel;
var colorSum = vec3(0.);
var weightSum = 0.;
var lastColor = textureLoad(image, cell.xy, 0);
let currentSample = samples[cell.x + cell.y * u32(dims.x)];
// kernel to smooth the image
for(var i = 0u; i < 25u; i++) {
let offset = ((vec2u( (i / 5u) - 2u , (i % 5u) - 2u ) + cell.xy) + dims) % dims;
let sample = samples[offset.x + offset.y * dims.x];
let sc = currentSample.color - sample.color;
let cweight = min(1., exp(-( dot(sc,sc)/4. ) ));
let sn = currentSample.normal - sample.normal;
let nweight = min(1., exp(-dot(sn,sn)/1. ));
let weight = kernel[i] * cweight * nweight;
colorSum += weight * sample.color;
weightSum += weight;
let currentColor = colorSum / weightSum;
// if this is the first frame, we dont have a last color
if (sys.frame == 0u) { lastColor = vec4(currentColor,1.); }
// using frame differences to calculate motion doesnt help to diferentiate between motion and noise.
// but it's better than nothing.. :)
let motion = mix(vec3(1.) - lastColor.rgb, mix(lastColor.rgb,currentColor,.1) , .5 );
let tw = .2 + clamp( abs( luminance(motion) - .5 ) * 20., 0., 1.); // temporal weight
textureStore(buffer, cell.xy, vec4( mix( lastColor.rgb, currentColor, tw ) , 1. ) );
fn setCamera( screen: vec2<f32>, eye: vec3<f32>, lookAt: vec3<f32>, fov: vec2f ) -> Ray {
// camera aperture
let lookFrom = eye + vec3(diskSample(params.aperture), 0.);
// orthonormal basis
let fw = normalize(lookFrom - lookAt);
let rt = cross( vec3(0.,-1.,0.), fw );
let up = cross( fw, rt);
// inital camera ray
return Ray(lookFrom , normalize(vec3(screen * vec2(-1.,1.) * tan(fov / 2. ) , -1.) ) * mat3x3(rt,up,fw) );
// default diffuse material
const defaultMaterial = Material(vec3(1.), false, false, false, true, 0., false, 0., Ray(vec3(0.), vec3(0.)));
// the main raymarching function to caculate intersections
fn shootRay( ray: Ray ) -> Hit {
var p = ray.origin;
var t = 0.;
var d = 0.;
for(var i=0; i< 100; i++) {
// calculate the actual distance
d = sceneSDF( p );
// if we hit something break, the loop
if ((abs(d) < EPSILON) || ( d > MAXDIST)) { break; }
// march along the ray
t += abs(d);
p = ray.origin + ray.direction * t;
// get the normal
let n = getNormal(p);
var h = Hit(p , t, n, material(ray, Hit(p, t, n, defaultMaterial, sign(d) ) ) , sign(d) );
return h;
// we sample the starting ray
fn raySample(ray: Ray, depth: u32) -> Sample {
var r = ray;
var colorMask = vec3(1.);
var colorAccu = vec3(0.);
var firstNormal = vec3(0.);
var distance = 0.;
// bounce the ray until maximum depth an accumulate the color
for(var b = 0u; b < depth; b++) {
let hit = shootRay(r);
distance += hit.distance;
//if (b == 0u) { firstNormal = hit.normal; }
// the albedo color of the material modulates the color mask
colorMask *= hit.material.color;
// the scattered ray provided by the BRDF
r = hit.material.scattered;
if (hit.material.emissive) {
colorAccu += colorMask * power(hit.normal, r.direction, hit.material.intensity, distance); break;
} else {
// if material is diffuse we accumulate direct lighting attenuated by distance
// we can do that to diffuse materials because they accept radiance from all the semi hemisfere
// specular and dielectric materials only accept radiance from a very narrow cone along the reflected/refracted ray
if (hit.material.diffuse) {
colorAccu += colorMask * directLighting(r.origin, hit.normal, distance);
return Sample(clamp(colorAccu, vec3(0.), vec3(1.)), firstNormal);
fn power(normal: vec3f, direction: vec3f, intensity: f32, distance: f32) -> f32 {
return intensity * (pow(distance,-2.)) * dot(normal, direction);
// calculate the direct lighting for a hit
fn directLighting(position: vec3<f32>, normal: vec3<f32>, distance: f32) -> f32 {
var lightPower = 0.;
let light = sampleLights();
// we trace a ray to see if this point is in shadow or not
let shadowRay = Ray(position, normalize(light.point - position));
// We avoid shooting parallel shadow rays to the light plane
if (dot(shadowRay.direction, normal) > 0.0) {
// test if the shadow ray hits something
let shadowHit = shootRay(shadowRay) ;
// did we hit the light?
if (shadowHit.material.emissive) {
lightPower = power(normal, shadowRay.direction, shadowHit.material.intensity, shadowHit.distance + distance);
return lightPower;
// here we choose a random light to sample
fn sampleLights() -> Light {
// we only have ine light, we return a random point on the light plane
return Light((randomCube(vec3(1.,0.,1.)) - vec3(.5,0.,.5) ) + vec3(0,2.95,-1.5), 2.);
// The description of the scene using signed distance functions
fn sceneSDF( p: vec3<f32> ) -> f32 {
var d = MAXDIST;
d = min(d, ground(p));
d = min(d, ceiling(p));
d = min(d, front(p));
d = min(d, left(p));
d = min(d, right(p));
d = min(d, light(p));
d = min(d, cube(p));
d = min(d, ball(p));
d = min(d, hat(p));
return d;
fn light( p: vec3<f32> ) -> f32 {
return box(p - vec3(0.,2.95,-1.5) , vec3f(1.,.1,1.));
fn ground( p: vec3<f32> ) -> f32 {
return plane(p - vec3(0.,.0,.0) );
fn front( p: vec3<f32> ) -> f32 {
return plane(vec3(p.x,(p.z),p.y) - vec3(0.,-3.0,0.0) );
fn right( p: vec3<f32> ) -> f32 {
return plane(p.zxy - vec3(0., 3.0,0.0) );
fn left( p: vec3<f32> ) -> f32 {
return plane(p.zxy - vec3(0., -3.0,0.0) );
fn ceiling( p: vec3<f32> ) -> f32 {
return plane( - vec3(0., 3.,0.0) );
fn cube( p: vec3<f32> ) -> f32 {
return box( (p - vec3( 1.5, 1., -2.0)) * rot3d(radians(sys.time * 20.), vec3(0.,1.,0.)) , vec3(1.,2.,1.) );
fn ball( p: vec3<f32> ) -> f32 {
//let mov = 2. * abs(sin(sys.time));
let mov = 0.;
return sphere( p - vec3( 0.,.5 + mov, 1.0) , .5 );
fn hat( p: vec3<f32> ) -> f32 {
return cone( p - vec3( -1.5,.75, -1.0) , .5 , 1.5 );
fn getNormal(p : vec3<f32>) -> vec3<f32> {
let e = vec2<f32>( EPSILON , 0.);
return normalize(vec3( sceneSDF(p + e.xyy) - sceneSDF(p - e.xyy), sceneSDF(p + e.yxy) - sceneSDF(p - e.yxy), sceneSDF(p + e.yyx) - sceneSDF(p - e.yyx)));
// materials function to calculate the different BRDFs
fn material( ray: Ray, hit: Hit ) -> Material {
// default values passed
var m = hit.material;
// check the object we hit and set the material properties
let pos = hit.position;
if (cube(pos) < EPSILON) {
m.color = vec3<f32>(1.0,0.2,0.1);
m.metalness = true;
m.diffuse = false;
m.roughness = 0.0;
} else
if (ball(pos) < EPSILON) {
m.color = vec3<f32>(1.,1.,1.);
m.dielectric = true;
m.diffuse = false;
} else
if (hat(pos) < EPSILON) {
m.color = vec3<f32>(.2,1.,0.3);
} else
if (ceiling(pos) < EPSILON) {
m.color = vec3<f32>(.5);
} else
if (right(pos) < EPSILON) {
m.color = vec3<f32>(.1,.7,.1);
} else
if (left(pos) < EPSILON) {
m.color = vec3<f32>(.7,.1,0.1);
} else
if (ground(pos) < EPSILON) {
let p = pos * 10.;
let f = abs(floor(p*.1));
m.color = vec3(.6,.7,1.) - (vec3(.3) * (( f.x + f.z) % 2.));
} else
if (light(pos) < EPSILON) {
m.color = vec3<f32>(1.,1.,1.);
m.emissive = true;
m.intensity = 40.;
// different materials
//BRDF for specular reflection
if (m.metalness) {
m.scattered = Ray(hit.position + (hit.normal * EPSILON), reflect(ray.direction, hit.normal) + (m.roughness * randomVec3()));
//BRDF for dielectric reflection and refraction
if (m.dielectric) {
// from
let ctheta = min(dot(-normalize(ray.direction), hit.normal), 1.0);
let stheta = sqrt(1. - ctheta * ctheta);
// 1.52 for the common glass
let sn = select(1.52/1., 1./1.52, hit.sign > 0.);
// fresnel reflectance
var fresnel = (1. - sn) / (1. + sn);
fresnel *= fresnel;
fresnel += (1. - fresnel) * pow( (1. - ctheta), 5.);
// if reflect and positive, and if refract and negative
// test if the ray is reflected or refracted with fresnel
if ((sn * stheta > 1. ) || ((fresnel > random().x ) && hit.sign > 0.) ) {
if (hit.sign > 0.) { m.highlight = true; }
m.scattered.origin = hit.position + hit.sign * 4. * (hit.normal * EPSILON);
m.scattered.direction = normalize(reflect(ray.direction, hit.sign * hit.normal));
} else {
if (hit.sign < 0.) { m.highlight = true; }
m.scattered.origin = hit.position - hit.sign * 4. * (hit.normal * EPSILON);
m.scattered.direction = normalize(refract(ray.direction, hit.sign * hit.normal, sn ));
// BRDF for diffuse reflection
if (m.diffuse) {
// default lambertian reflection
m.scattered = Ray(hit.position + (hit.normal * EPSILON), cosineWeightedSample(hit.normal));
return m;
// a signed distance function for a sphere
fn sphere(p : vec3<f32>, radius: f32) -> f32 {
return length(p) - radius;
// a signed distance function for a plane, not really but hey
fn plane(p: vec3<f32>) -> f32 {
return abs(p.y);
// a signed distance function for a box
fn box(p : vec3<f32>, size : vec3<f32>) -> f32 {
let d = abs(p) - size * .5;
return min( max(d.x, max(d.y,d.z)), 0. ) + length(max(d , vec3(0.) ));
// from iq
fn cone( p: vec3<f32>, base: f32, h: f32 ) -> f32 {
let q = h * vec2(base/h,-1.0);
let w = vec2( length(p.xz), p.y - (h*.5) );
let a = w - q * clamp( dot(w,q)/dot(q,q), 0.0, 1.0 );
let b = w - q * vec2( clamp( w.x/q.x, 0.0, 1.0 ), 1.0 );
let k = sign( q.y );
let d = min(dot( a, a ),dot(b, b));
let s = max( k * (w.x * q.y - w.y * q.x), k * (w.y - q.y) );
return sqrt(d)*sign(s);
fn rot3d(angle: f32, axis: vec3<f32>) -> mat3x3<f32> {
let c = cos(angle);
let s = sin(angle);
let t = 1.0 - c;
let x = axis.x;
let y = axis.y;
let z = axis.z;
return mat3x3<f32>(
vec3<f32>(t*x*x + c, t*x*y - s*z, t*x*z + s*y),
vec3<f32>(t*x*y + s*z, t*y*y + c, t*y*z - s*x),
vec3<f32>(t*x*z - s*y, t*y*z + s*x, t*z*z + c)
var<private> gseed: vec3u = vec3u(1u);
var<private> lseed: vec3u = vec3u(0u);
// random number between 0 and 1 with 3 seeds and 3 dimensions
fn random() -> vec3f {
lseed = pcg3d(lseed);
return vec3f( vec3f(pcg3d(gseed + lseed)) * (1. / f32(0xffffffffu)) ) ;
fn pcg3d(pv:vec3u) -> vec3u {
var v = pv * 1664525u + 1013904223u;
v.x += v.y*v.z;
v.y += v.z*v.x;
v.z += v.x*v.y;
v ^= v >> vec3u(16u);
v.x += v.y*v.z;
v.y += v.z*v.x;
v.z += v.x*v.y;
return v;
fn diskSample(radius: f32) -> vec2f {
let rnd = random();
let r = sqrt(rnd.x);
let theta = 2.0 * PI * rnd.y;
return vec2(cos(theta), sin(theta)) * r * radius;
fn randomVec3() -> vec3f {
let rnd = random();
return rnd * 2. - 1.;
fn randomCube(size: vec3<f32>) -> vec3f {
return random() * size;
fn cosineWeightedSample(nor: vec3f) -> vec3f {
let rnd = random();
// constrct a local coordinate system around the normal
let tc = vec3( 1.0 + nor.z - nor.xy * nor.xy, -nor.x * nor.y) / (1.0 + nor.z);
let uu = vec3( tc.x, tc.z, -nor.x );
let vv = vec3( tc.z, tc.y, -nor.y );
let a = 6.283185 * rnd.y;
// return a random vector in the hemisphere
return sqrt(rnd.x) * (cos(a) * uu + sin(a) * vv) + sqrt(1.0 - rnd.x) * nor;
fn linearToSRGB(rgb: vec3f) -> vec3f {
let c = clamp(rgb, vec3(0.0), vec3(1.0));
return mix( pow(c, vec3f(1.0 / 2.4)) * 1.055 - 0.055, c * 12.92, vec3f(c < vec3(0.0031308) ) );
fn sRGBToLinear(rgb: vec3f) -> vec3f {
let c = clamp(rgb, vec3(0.0), vec3(1.0));
return mix( pow(((c + 0.055) / 1.055), vec3(2.4)), c / 12.92, vec3f(c < vec3(0.04045) ) );
// ACES tone mapping curve fit to go from HDR to LDR
fn toneMap(rgb: vec3f) -> vec3f {
let a = vec3(2.51);
let b = vec3(0.03);
let c = vec3(2.43);
let d = vec3(0.59);
let e = vec3(0.14);
return clamp((rgb * (a * rgb + b)) / (rgb * (c * rgb + d) + e), vec3(0.0),vec3(1.0));
fn luminance(color: vec3<f32>) -> f32 {
return 0.2126 * color.r + 0.7152 * color.g + 0.0722 * color.b;
import { PSpec, Definitions } from "../../lib/poiesis/index.ts";
export const pathtracer = async (code:string, defs:Definitions) => {
const size = {x : 1024, y: 1024 }
const empty = new ImageData(size.x, size.y);
const emptyBitmap = await createImageBitmap(empty);
const radians = (degrees:number):number => degrees * Math.PI / 180;
const uniforms = { params: { samples: 2, depth: 4, fov: radians(60), lookFrom: [0,1.5,4], lookAt: [0,1.5,1], aperture: 0.05, clear: 0 } }
const spec = ():PSpec => {
return {
code: code,
defs: defs,
uniforms: () => uniforms,
mouse: (x:number,y:number) => { uniforms.params.lookFrom = [(x*5)-2.5,1.5 + (y*2.5) - 1.25,4]; },
storages: [
{ name: "samples", size: size.x * size.y }
textures: [
{ name: "image", data: emptyBitmap },
{ name: "buffer", data: emptyBitmap, storage: true }
computes: [
{ name: "pathTracer", workgroups: [ Math.ceil(size.x / 8), Math.ceil(size.y / 8), 1] },
{ name: "denoise", workgroups: [ Math.ceil(size.x / 8), Math.ceil(size.y / 8), 1] },
computeGroupCount: 1,
bindings: [ [0,1,2,3,5,6], [0,1,3,2,5,6] ]
return spec;